On the principle
VELIMIR NEIDHARDT was born in Zagreb, 7 October 1943. He earned his B.Sc. in Architecture and
M.C.P. at the University of Zagreb. He spent one academic year, 1974-75, at Harvard University and,
partly, M.I.T. as the Zlatko and Joyce Balokovic Scholar. This was followed by an invitation to work in
the Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Architectural Design Studios in Chicago 1975-76. He was elected Full
Member (Academician) of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1991. For his works he has
been awarded many prizes such as the Vladimir Nazor Awards for excellence in architecture for the
years 1989 and 1995, the Viktor Kovacic Award for excellence in architecture for the year 1979, City of
Zagreb Award in the year 2002. His major competition first prizes have been executed, such as the
National and University Library Building in Zagreb, the City Centre I of Banja Luka in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, the INA Petroleum Co. Office Building and New Passenger airport terminal in Zagreb.
His book dealing with the anthroposocial method of design entitled Man in the Environment (Covjek u
prostoru) was published in 1997. He is a long-standing member and President (1995-99) of the
Croatian Architects Association and an International Associate of the American Institute of Architects.
He earned his Ph.D. in 1990 from the Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb University. In 1994 he joined the
full-time faculty staff and in 2004 earned the tenure as Professor of Architecture, with courses on Office
and Commercial Buildings. Neidhardt has established his own architectural design firm NEIDHARDT
arhitekti d.o.o. Zagreb and since 1996 has continued both practicing and teaching architecture. In 2011
he has been elected to the position of Vice – President of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences.